Open lesson devoted to the 8th of March

Open lesson devoted to the 8th of March

On 7th of March we are leaders celebrated international women’s day in our ILC. We invited teachers from other schools and some students. We started our show about 10 o’clock. Our teacher opened that with welcoming our guests and congratulated female students and teachers. After that Madina told about spring and spring holidays. Then students from 6th and students from English club told poems about spring. Mijgona and Zamira gave informs about history of this holiday and celebrating that. And students from 5th form and ILC students told poems about mother. Then ILC students told, translated and explained the meaning of every quotations and proverbs that they told. And of course quotations were devoted to mothers. Then teacher Zebo told the Russian story that why God made mothers. After that Olim with Madina acted this play in English one. Then Mohira showed presentation about flowers and spelling each of them. After that 5th grade sang the song about flowers. A game called Bingo was played; in this game all took part with pleasure. The aim of game was develop knowing presents that we can present to our mothers in this day. We all like when our mothers sang us songs when we were baby. And most interesting the 6th form students sang Lullaby songs. After that we planted the friendship flower. That was first part of our show in the second we had some games between girls. It was as a competition. And every ILC girl took part in that and some of them became winners of every competition. The competition was consisting of five rounds: Ms Diplomat, Ms .best future wife, Ms Best wife house, Ms Beauty and Ms Best future mother. We made small coffee break then presented some presents to our girls and teacher from ILC. The day was excellent and every one who took part in this show was very happy. The guests were very happy to participate in this lesson.

Another activity evoted to 8th of March

On the 5th of March. Students from school #1 and English club were invited to village school #4 in our town Sarband to join them in celebrating the 8th of March, International Women’s Day. Students from ILC for the first time visit village school and become very happy to meet new friends. It is good that town schoolchildren be aware about conditions of village schools. And village schoolchildren are very curious and active. In some village school there are not enough teachers and no experienced one too. The whole winter they had not electricity. And town schools of our town are very lucky that they have all conditions, best teachers, electricity, and resources. But they do not study well. Village schoolchildren are very busy with field work and house work at home. And have little time for study. Anyway some even take their books with them in the field or in the meadow while working. So students had nice time together and exchanged with dove of friendship and gifts. Now we will invite them to all our activities. The village schoolchildren become very inspired when they attended some of our activities.

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